Regulations Consulting

Antion provides a full range of consulting services to propose solutions to client concerns, in order to reduce the risks in the process of production, import and export, sales, etc.

Daily Compliance Management

According to the regulatory questions from the clients in the process of production, import and export, and sales, Anton provides corresponding consulting services.

Food Import Feasibility Evaluation

Based on product’s main ingredient, format, label, manufacture process, etc., Antion evaluates product’s possible food categories and import channel in China,

Product Label Compliance Review

Besides formula compliance review, Antion provides comments regarding noncompliance content and help to prepare qualified Chinese label.

Communication Material Compliance Review

According to related Law and regulations, Antion reviews the food advertising & promotional materials provided by client, and gives corresponding amendments and suggestions towards the noncompliance contents. Review contents do not only include the materials for off-line channel, but also for traditional e-commerce and Cross-Border E-Commerce Channel.

Government Affair Communication

Antion can assist client to communicate with food-related authorities and industry associations.

Food Regulation Training

According to client's special requirements, Antion can provide regulatory trainings, including but not limited to analysis of important standards & regulations, interpretation of designated standards & regulations, management of standards & regulations, future trends, etc.

Whole Outsourcing Service

Antion can provide a full range of compliance management outsourcing service, including information monitoring, regulation database, product selection evaluation, product labels and communication material review, daily consultation, customer complaints response, etc.

First of all, the most intuitive way is whether there is a health food logo (Blue Hat) on the product packaging.
Secondly, in terms of product definition, tablet candy is a solid candy made of sugar, syrup (powder), or sweetener as the main ingredient, which is produced through mixing, granulation or non-granulation, compression molding and other related processes; according to the classification of food production license, tablet candy is in the confectionery products, the category number is 1301.

Solid beverage is normal food prepared by processing food ingredients, food additives, etc. in the form of powder, granules or lumps, which can be used for brewing. Its product formula, production processes, label, and instruction do not require product registration approval, cannot provide nutritional support for people with special medical conditions, can not indicate the suitable crowd, and do not need to be used under the guidance of doctors and clinical nutritionists. If solid beverage is used instead of FSMP for long-term consumption, it will cause harm to health.


Tablet candy is normal food, and according to Article 38 of the "Implementation Regulations of the Food Safety Law", food other than health food shall not be claimed to have health functions. At the same time, SAMR recently released "Notice on the Special Remediation of Foods such as Solid Beverages, Tablets Candy, and Alternative Tea" have similar propaganda terms for alleged disease prevention, treatment and health function claims, such as "slimming".